Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky. Its name is derived from the Greek word Σείριος Seirios “glowing” or “scorching”. The star is designated α Canis Majoris, Latinized to Alpha Canis Majoris, and abbreviated Alpha CMa or α CMa.
Sirius is now rising in the southeast in the hours after midnight and can be found in the south at dawn. Notice that a line from Orion’s Belt points to Sirius. View larger. | Brightest star Sirius on left, with constellation Orion.
The brightest star in Canis Major also is the brightest in the entire night sky — brilliant Sirius, which is just 8.6 light-years away. That’s only twice as far as our closest stellar neighbor. Because it is the brightest star of the Great Dog, Sirius is known as the Dog Star. Its first appearance in the dawn sky in August heralds the “dog days” of summer.
Sirius is actually a double star. The star that we see as Sirius is about 20 times brighter than the Sun. It is also hotter and more massive than the Sun. Its companion is known as Sirius B, and is nicknamed The Pup. It is a white dwarf — the hot, dense core of a star that was once like Sirius itself. At the end of its life, the star blew its outer layers into space, leaving only the core. Sirius B is as massive as the Sun but less than one percent as bright. It shines simply because it’s still hot.
How do you know if you are a Sirian Starseed?
9 Traits of a Sirian Starseed
Sirian’s (Sirian Starseed) are simple in the way they approach life and are usually deeply spiritual and intelligent. They are the diamonds of the planet. They achieve their goals easily and are open-minded and straight forward.
Sirian’s (Sirian Starseeds) re very calm and resourceful and it is difficult to provoke anger in them. They are stable and secure even when the world is crashing down around them.
They(Sirian Starseeds) are always focused on the job at hand and are quiet achievers. They take work extremely seriously and are good at seeing a job through to finality.
They( Sirian Starseeds) have difficulty expressing their inner emotions so need time to reflect on them to get to the bottom of any problems. They can be easily hurt when people do not live up to their expectations.
Verbal communication can prove to be a bit of a problem because they keep their feelings internalized.
Although they (Sirian Starseeds) are very open to new concepts, they never push their own opinions or ideas onto other people. Deep down they have their own version of the truth and this formulates their values and beliefs but can also change quickly to something better if need be.
Sirian’s prefer not to observe the past. They can bury deep, repressed issues that they fear to face. They may like to focus on the future and what is coming, but they need to learn to deal with old anger so it can be released. They do not like confrontation and will avoid anger like the plague. If they are backed into a corner, they will fight back.
Many (Sirian Starseeds) love to daydream because their inner world is often more interesting than the outer world. They prefer practical, hands-on learning rather than sitting still and just listening. When teaching them, they need stimulating so they don’t get bored.
When they (Sirian Starseeds)fully trust you, their personalities can become quirky and fun-loving. Otherwise, they may appear quite serious. They make extremely loyal friends and partners but you will have to prove yourself to them first. You will adore their great sense of humor once you have demonstrated your worth.
What are Sirians doing on Earth?
Many of the Sirian light beings are now focusing their energy on helping Earth’s transition. Their mission is to raise the vibration and aid the beings of this planet in their quest to connect with source energy.
If you would like to know if you are a Sirian Starseed or what Starseed you are please contact me Kasamba.
Starseed Sandra
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