What is the Matrix? “You take the blue pill… the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill… you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes” – Morpheus (The Matrix) Well, this is pretty much the TRUTH of the World that WE live in.

Do I personally think we live in the Matrix?
Oh, yes 100 percent! I recently read a CIA classified document (pls email me if you would like me to send) that proves that we are just holograms of energies in human bodies and that Astral projection and Lucid Dreams are real. (I clda told you that 20 years ago guys!
I think we live in ‘a’ matrix… I wouldn’t necessarily refer to it as ‘the’ matrix. I call it Lucy!!! I think it is MUCH MORE complex than say, the concept that was communicated in the movie, although that is a very good introduction.
The single best proof of this..? Maybe the existence of order in nature. Everywhere we look, if we look closely enough, we see order.
Order does not occur spontaneously from disorder; rather the opposite is true – disorder comes from order… everything is moving from an orderly state to a disorderly state.
Thus, order implies construction, and construction implies purpose. So we exist/live inside -something- that was -constructed- for some -reason/purpose- — this is another way of saying that ‘we live in a matrix.’
So to me, the existence of order in the universe (which is something we all can easily verify) might be the single best proof that we indeed live in a matrix.
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